Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz comes to Blu-ray in April!
February 7, 2020 · 3 comments
UPDATE, 13/03/2020 – Please note the release date of Gundam Wing Endlesss Waltz has been moved to 20th April 2020. The release information on this page has been updated accordingly.

To say a lot of you have been excited at the prospect of us releasing Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz on Blu-ray is an understatement. Since our (now out of print) Collector’s Edition release of Gundam Wing Part 1, so many of you have contacted us wanting to who/what/where/when/how… anything regarding our release! We know it’s been a bit of a wait, as we wanted to make sure all our ducks were in a row before we talked about what we had planned. So with that in mind, here’s what you can expect in this post – there’s a lot of info, hence why I’m writing down the contents
1 – Exclusive Version of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition
2 – Exclusive (super limited) Collector’s Edition Bundle of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV Series and Endless Waltz
3 – General retail version of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition
Read on below for the info. But first, a little about Endless Waltz.
Synopsis: After Colony 196.
Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace.
The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high- ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination.
The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
1 – Exclusive Version of
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition
Product: Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Blu-ray Collector’s Ed. w/ Exclusive storage box
Format: Blu-ray Ltd Collector’s Edition
Release date: 20th April 2020
Cat. No.: ANI8026
Suggested Retail Price: £44.99
So first of all, yes you read that right! There is an Exclusive version of the Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition set. But I want to make clear from the outset that the exclusive nature of this is an additional item to what was always planned for the Collector’s Edition set. So the General Retail version (noted in section 3, further below) is as intended.
What’s more, there are only 500 units of this Exclusive version of Endless Waltz being produced! So with that in mind, here’s what’s planned for this –

Continuing with our Gundam Collection style, the Collector’s Edition set of Endless Waltz will come packed in a rigid case. Inside that you’ll find an Amaray case (pictured left) that is storing the 4 Blu-ray discs in this set – yes, there are 4 discs! More on that to follow. Also inside the rigid case will be 5 art cards and a 28-page settings booklet, showcasing character and Gundam art relating to Endless Waltz.
The Exclusive part of this release now comes into play, as additionally when ordering from our online shop (strictly while stock lasts) there will be an additional box included to store not only Endless Waltz in, but the Collector’s Edition box that came with the (now out-of-print) Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Part 1 Collector’s Edition set! (The one that can fit both Part 1 & 2 inside!) So you’ll be able to store all of Gundam Wing inside one box!
Here’s a visual for what the version of the Endless Waltz Collector’s Edition set will look like –

Here’s both sides of the rigid case for you –

And here’s a look at the the bonus Exclusive storage box for you –

What’s on the discs?
Now, I mentioned there would be four discs included in this set. There’s a very good reason for this as you’ll be getting not one but two versions of Endless Waltz included! You’ll be getting the original 3-part OVA version (that first premiered in Japan in 1997) along with the compilation film version (originally released in Japan in 1998) that had some additional scenes and a slightly different musical score too! Both the OVA and Film versions have options to watch them with the English dub and original Japanese with English subtitles. So that’s what two of the four discs will have.
But the other two discs will include the never-before-released in the UK Gundam Wing Operation Meteor OVAs! For those who don’t know, these four OVAs are set after the events of the Gundam Wing TV series. Across the four OVAs, they not only recount events of the TV series from the perspective of various characters; primarily the five core Gundam pilots, but they also help bridge the gap between the series and Endless Waltz, and it also highlights what happened to each pilot following the conclusion of the events in the TV series, leading to Endless Waltz. They’re pretty hefty watches too, with each being at least an hour long.
One key thing to note about these OVAs is they were never dubbed into English, so they are in Japanese with English subtitles only. But nonetheless, they’re a fantastic addition to the set that really help make this be a complete Gundam Wing experience for fans in the UK!
So recap what’s the on the four discs –
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz (3 x OVA version)
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz (film version)
Gundam Wing Operation Meteor OVAs (4 total)
We’ll begin taking pre-orders for this on Friday 14th February at 5pm. There will be a special limited time pre-order offer on this too, with being available to order for £29.99 until 11:59pm on Thursday 20th February.
You can view the listing for this set – including more images of the product – at our online shop below –
View listing at all the anime shop
FAQ Relating to this exclusive version of gundam wing endless waltz
~ When can I order this?
Pre-orders will launch at 5pm on Friday 14th February. There will be a special limited time pre-order offer until 11:59pm on Thursday 20th February where you can order for the special price of £29.99. (After that time the price will revert to its regular pricing.)
~ How many of the Exclusive version will there be available?
There will be 500 units available to order individually. (There will also be the chance to order it as part of a bundle offer – read section 2 below.)
~ What happens if/when this sells out?
Then it’s gone. There won’t be any more. That listing will then be replaced by the general retail version of Endless Waltz (see section 3 – below.)
~ What’s the release date?
20th April 2020.
~ What versions of Endless Walt are included?
Both the OVA and film versions. (Please read details in section 1, above, for more info.)
2 – Exclusive (super limited) Collector’s Edition Bundle offer of both the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV Series and Endless Waltz
Something we told you would be happening is the opportunity to order both of the (now out of print) Collector’s Editions Part 1 & 2 Gundam Wing sets, plus the Endless Waltz Collector’s Edition set as part of an exclusive offer through our online shop.
The obvious question to some of you will be how is that possible when the two TV series sets are out of print and have been for some time. The simple answer is that a limited amount of units were able to be kept back specifically for this bundle opportunity.
And the next obvious question some of you will likely be thinking is what version of Endless Waltz will be included in this bundle offer? It is the Exclusive version (noted in section 1, above) and there are specific units of that box being set aside for this bundle opportunity.
So the TL;DR of this bundle offer is as follows –
~ When does this offer launch?
Friday 14th February 2020 at 5pm.
~ How much will bundle be?
£99.97 – for those curious, this being the combined early bird pricing of the Part 1 Collector’s Ed. Blu-ray (offer price was: £34.99), Part 2 Collector’s Ed. Blu-ray (offer price was: £34.99) and the Exclusive Endless Waltz Collector’s Ed. Blu-ray (offer price will be: £29.99) from they have been on early bird special offers.
~ How many bundles will be available to (try) and order?
50. Yes, 50. We weren’t joking when we said it would be very limited.
~ How long will this bundle offer be valid for?
From 5pm on Friday 14th February until 11:59pm on Thursday 20th March (or while stock lasts.)
~ When / how will this bundle be fulfilled?
As things stand at time of writing, the plan is for all 3 products to be shipped together once we have received stock of the Exclusive Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Collector’s Ed. Blu-ray.
~ If/when this bundle offer sells out, will it be available again?
No. Due the very limited amount of stock available it’s highly unlikely this bundle opportunity will be available again.
Ahead of the launch time on 14th February, you can view the listing for this bundle now at our AllTheAnime online shop below –
View bundle listing at all the anime shop
3 – General retail version of
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition
Product: Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Blu-ray Collector’s Ed.
Format: Blu-ray Ltd Collector’s Edition
Release date: 20th April 2020
Cat. No.: ANI8037
Suggested Retail Price: £44.99
So with everything we’ve said in mind, what’s the general retail version of Endless Waltz Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition? Simply put, it’s the core product, but without the Exclusive additional box (noted above in section 1.)
Here’s a visual for the general retail version of this –

The on-disc content is the same as noted above too. Literally, the only difference is that you get the extra box if you purchase the exclusive version.
You can order this now from retailers including –
ORDER AT AMAZON UK ORDER AT ZAVVI Order at HMV Online Order at Anime-On-Lineand you can order this at from our online shop too –
And that concludes what you need to know about our release of Gundam Wing Endless Waltz! We hope you’re excited about this.
Signing out~!
February 7, 2020 9:54 pm
It's too bad you can only do 500 copies. Are there not more than 500 Gundam fans willing to buy such a classic Gundam movie in the UK? Tragic.
March 10, 2020 10:58 am
Hi, to clarify, there's only 500 units of the exclusive version of Endless Waltz with the bonus slipcover specifically. The general retail version (i.e., with the AllTheAnime exclusive bonus slipcover) of the Endless Waltz Collector's Edition set will be available from other retailers such as Amazon, Zavvi, etc. Hope that helps. ^JG
February 11, 2020 1:05 pm
What hurts me the most the UK available only, sad by this :/