Gurren Lagann Collector’s Edition set details
January 17, 2017 · 0 comments
NOTE: As of 29th May 2017 this set is now available at all retailers including our web shop HERE.
Gurren Lagann is a series that we know many of you out love. For some it was a gateway into anime, for others it’s simply one of the your favourite anime. But either way anyone who has seen the series knows how much of a fun, emotional, action-packed thrill-ride it is which is why we’re happy to say there will be a Ltd Collector’s Edition Blu-ray set containing the entire series along with the two movies.
This set is coming in February and is exclusive to for a particular period of time – it will be available through other retailers once this timed window has passed.
But before we get to telling you all about the this new set, first an introduction to the series for those not familiar with it.
Synopsis: From the director Kill la Kill, Hiroyuki Imaishi, comes the cult classic tale that kicks reason to the kerb in an action packed adventure!
“This is the story of a man who has yet to realize what destiny holds in store for him….
In the distant future, mankind has lived quietly and restlessly underground for hundreds of years, subject to earthquakes and cave-ins. Living in one such village are 2 young men: one named Simon who is shy and naïve, and the other named Kamina who believes in the existence of a “surface” world above their heads. The destiny of these two starts moving drastically when the ceiling of their village falls in, and a gigantic “Gunmen” and a beautiful girl named Yoko, wielding a superconductive rifle, come from the surface. Together, Kamina, Simon and Yoko ride the mecha “Lagann” that Simon digs out of the ground, and fly up to the surface!”
You can watch our trailer for Gurren Lagann, first published when we originally released the series back in 2014, below
This new Limited Collector’s Edition set comes with the entire series (27 episodes) in both English and Japanese with subtitles plus the two movies (in Japanese with subtitles only). If that wasn’t enough there’s also the Parallel Works collection and a 40-page booklet.
Worth noting that the Movies & Parallel Works collection were previously only available on Blu-ray as part of our now out-of-print Ultimate Edition set, released in 2014.
All of this comes packed inside a rigid case to house two amaray cases (one for the series, and the other for the movies+Parallel Works). You can see a visual for it below.

We’re sure some of you might have a few questions about this set and how it may/may not differ from our original releases back in 2014. Please see this F.A.Q. section below which answer those questions for you –
F.A.Q. On Gurren Lagann Ltd Collector’s Edition Blu-ray set
1) Why have you chosen to release this now when you released the series back in 2014?
While we released the (now out-of-print) Ultimate Edition Blu-ray of the series along with the TV series as a standalone Blu-ray back in late 2014, we always made it known that if there was an opportunity to do more in the future with Gurren Lagann it’s something we’d love to do. From speaking to many of you both online and at events we’ve been attending the last year or so, we have seen an increased amount of demand over the last few years for a Gurren Lagann set that was more than a standard edition release, but not to the scale of the Ultimate Edition.
Now some two and half years on we felt now would be great opportunity to revisit the series with a key goal being for this to be a great opportunity to help the series gain new fans as well as already existing fans the chance to own it in a unique way. With this in mind, how we’ve developed as a company over the last few years combined with our experience of producing Collector’s Edition products during that time, we felt it a Collector’s Edition style release would be perfect!
2) Are you re-authoring the discs for this release?
Before I answer the question, to add full context for those not aware, there was a problem with the materials we were sent from Japan resulting in approximately 30 seconds out of the entire 27 episodes series being impacted. To work around this, the best solution we had was to switch in DVD footage since no re-supply was possible. The moments specifically impacted by this, which we must stress are not crucial moments at all, were:
Episode 5: 20:47 – 20:56 (9 seconds, picture here)
Episode 7: 08:29 – 08:42 (13 seconds, picture here)
Episode 10: 17:27 (momentary, picture here)
These are the only instances throughout the entire release impacted by this. So whilst annoying it doesn’t impact your overall viewing enjoying of the series. We’ve never hidden this fact about our original release and you can still find the blog posts that detailed this at the time here at our blog if you search through the archive.
So to answer the question, no we are not re-authoring the discs for this release as only around 30 seconds out of the entire series is impacted by this.
3) How come your using different art compared to your other releases including the (out-of-print) Ultimate Edition?
A very simple answer; because we now have access to these materials to be able to use them. When we released the series back in 2014 we worked with the materials available to us at the time. We when we reached out to the license holder in Japan to see if any new artwork might be available for this new Collector’s Edition set, there was and we were sent said materials accordingly.
4) Will this be available from anywhere else apart from Zavvi?
As we mentioned at the start of this post, yes! This is a timed exclusive February 2017 release with Stay tune for details as we can bring them.
5) Is there anything extra included that wasn’t in the (now out-of-print) Ultimate Edition?
The Ultimate Edition release of our is something we’re still very proud of and that will always remain as our definitive release of the series. We’re using the exact same discs as before, so there’s no additional content or changes to those being made.
The content in the art book does differ from what was included in the (out-of-print) Ultimate Edition set, as we wanted to make sure imagery that was included in that is kept to being exclusive to that version. The book that’s included in this new set is simply a collection of promotional imagery for the series. Also worth noting that the book in this new set is far smaller in size than the one included in the Ultimate Edition.
The book that’s included in this new set is simply a collection of promotional imagery for the series.
6) How many units of this Collector’s Edition set are being produced?
There are only 1000 units total being produced.
7) What region are the discs?
As with all of our releases, unless noted otherwise, they are coded to Region B for playback in UK & Ireland.
8) Can I buy the packaging without the discs included?
We do not offer a service like this, so we can’t offer the packaging without the discs included.
9) Will you release the TV series and Movies on Blu-ray individually?
We already have released the TV series on Blu-ray (this was released back in 2014) and we’re releasing a Movie Collection Blu-ray set in early February 2017. So in short, yes 😀
And that about wraps up this exciting news! If you have any questions about this set please do feel free to ask them in the comments section below or through our Facebook or Twitter pages.
Signing out~!
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