Introducing: Andrew
February 1, 2013 · 0 comments
Andrew here – over the next few months as we build up to our releases both myself and our other employees* will be talking a lot more via this blog. First up it’s a real pleasure to be able to engage with everyone directly – my name is Andrew Partridge and I’m the President of Anime Limited. This means that I’m responsible for:
– Acquisitions: The difficult part – deciding what to pick up and more importantly taking the hit if it fails.
– Business development: Finding shiny new opportunities and reeling them in from across the globe to give you the shiniest experiences possible.
– Theatrical: Tackling everything from working out where the prints are to securing screens and strong enough promotional budgets to support films.
– Events: Finding new opportunities to do cool stuff all the way along to conventions as people may be used to seeing me at.
– The Boring Stuff: Cashflows, admin and general hiring, firing and applying general beatings to minions**.
In general I get involved across the chain though so outreach and publicity too. When you’re in a startup company that’s generally the way of it though and my goal’s to give you all a little bit of insight into what goes on in an anime company without boring anyone to tears!
Before this I used to work at Beez Entertainment before they shuttered their doors and I still do in fact consult for our good friends at Viz Media Europe too. Asides from that I also run an animation festival called Scotland Loves Anime – which is about to go into its fourth year of running.
For those particularly curious – outside of work I’m an avid gamer (currently working my way through Zone of the Enders in HD) and like nothing more than travelling a lot. Which is a good thing as you’ll regularly get updates from me abroad on work! If you have a question or otherwise you can reach me at andrew A-T alltheanime DO-T com (replace the A-T and DO-T with symbols and remove spaces as required).
Looking forward to working with everyone***!
– Andrew Partridge
* Yes there’s more than just me and an extensive range of figures from different shows here. There are in fact three of us total.
** We love all our employees equally, no beatings occur. Honest.
*** I am also impressed you followed these footnotes up to this point – next up we’ll talk about our upcoming release formats and get some discussion going!
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