Newswire 90, 91 & 92 – 11th Oct 2016
October 11, 2016 · 1 comment
It’s been a busy time at Anime Limited HQ which is why there hasn’t been a Newswire for a few weeks, so this week it’s a triple sized edition. We’ll be bringing you up to speed on everything that has occurred over the past few weeks. It’s going to be a big read this one.
There are updates on Your Name in cinemas, upcoming releases of ours, the director of Psycho-Pass being at MCM London Comic Con, our release of Miss Hokusai and the Makoto Shinkai twin pack of ‘The Place Promised in Our Early Days’ + ‘Voices of a Distant Star’, Zeta Gundam, plus a bunch of dates for forthcoming Funimation titles and Scotland Loves Anime kicks off this week!
So sit back, relax and read on below for the updates.
First of all, since our last Newswire we have released Free! -Eternal Summer- on DVD and Limited Edition Blu-ray. You can check out our full unboxing and get all the details on our release HERE.
Available this week is a title we’re distributing for Funimation here in the UK, Gonna Be The Twin-Tail!!. You can read more about this in the Funimation Title Update section below.
~ To kick-off this section, a quick update regarding Your Name, the new film by Makoto Shinkai being in cinemas on 24th November. You can expect an update regarding which cinemas will be screening the film in either the original Japanese audio with subtitles or the English language dub within the next week. Don’t forget you can book your tickets today at
Check out the subtitled trailer for it below.
Now we’ve got an update a few of our releases set to arrive this month for you.
~ Blood Blockade Battlefront is looking good ahead of its arrival on 24th October. We’re releasing this on DVD and as a Limited Collector’s Edition Blu-ray set. There’ll be an unboxing for this coming within the next week so be on the lookout for that.
~ The DVD and Limited Collector’s Edition Blu-ray of Psycho-Pass The Movie are track for its 31st October release. So expect to see an unboxing of that in the next week or so. Also worth noting that we will have some advance copies of this at MCM London Comic Con at the end of the month.

In case you didn’t hear, the director Naoyoshi Shiotani will be at MCM London Comic Con this month and he will be having an Anime Guest of Honour panel and will be involved in some signing sessions too! (Scroll down to the Upcoming Events section in this Newswire for more info,)
~ For those of you that have been keeping track of our social media channels the past few weeks you’ll have seen there was an update on our twin pack of Makoto Shinkai’s works ‘The Place Promised in our Early Days’ and ‘Voices of a Distant Star.’ First of all, and I know some of you will be surprised to hear this, it has a locked in released date (finally). You can expect it to arrive on 21st November – just a few days before Your Name is in cinemas in UK & Ireland on 24th November.
You can see what our Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD set will look like below.

As you can see the set comes packed in a rigid case to hold the two amaray cases, one for each feature. Also included is a 32-page booklet focusing on The Place Promised in Our Early Days that goes in details about the film and its production, plus there’s comments from Makoto Shinkai. All the on-disc content is identical, the only difference being that the DVD is spread across two discs, one for ‘Place Promised…’ and the other for ‘Voices…’, whereas the one Blu-ray disc has all the content included on it. There’s also lot of on-disc extras too!
In terms of on-disc extras relating to Voices of a Distant Star there’s an alternate Japanese audio track of the feature with Makoto Shinkai himelf as part of the cast. There is also an interview with Makoto Shinkai, a storyboard version of the feature, a trailer collection and the “She and Her Cat” short.
For on-disc extras relating to The Place Promised in our Early Days, there’s trailers for the feature plus interviews with Makoto Shinkai and the primary voice actors in the feature Yuuka Nanri, Masato Hagiwara and Hidetaka Yoshioka.
~ Remember Miss Hokusai? Not the person obviously, I mean our release of the film. Yeah, it’s been a long time since we last mentioned that. Well I’m delighted to say our release of it is finally on the cards for November! The 14th of November to be precise. And today we can (finally) tell you about what to expect in our Collector’s Edition set… that we can also now reveal has been upgraded to an Ultimate Edition set!
Here’s a first-look at our release of Miss Hokusai Ultimate Edition.

So, let’s tell you about what you’ll be getting in this set.
- Comes packed in a wooden box with a slipcover (aka o-card) around it.
- Inside the box you will find a digipack to hold the three discs (DVD Movie Disc, Blu-ray Movie Disc and a bonus DVD disc of extras.)
- On the discs themselves you will find:
- DVD and Blu-ray Movie discs: the film ‘Miss Hokusai’ in Japanese with English subtitles. (It’s literally just the movie on these discs)
- Bonus DVD has
- Making of Miss Hokusai featurette that’s just nearly two hours in length!
- An exclusive interview with Director, Keiichi Hara
- The trailer for the film.
- 5 Art cards
- An 80 page art book that delves into the history surrounding Miss Hokusai and world of the Edo period of Japan. This has been curated in coordination with Production I.G, who put a lot of time and effort into having as much historical fact and points of interest as possible. It makes for very interesting reading and provides lots of useful context about this time in Japanese history depicted in the film that chances are most people may not be familiar with.
As mentioned, the Ultimate Edition release of Miss Hokusai (as well as the standard Blu-ray and DVD versions) arrives on 14th November. You can pre-order it today from the likes of Amazon UK, Base, HMV Online, Anime-On-Line and our web shop now.
If you’ve not seen it before, you can watch the trailer for Miss Hokusai below.
~ For all of you Fullmetal Alchemist fans, as well as our Ultimate Edition set coming out at the end of the month we will also be releasing the whole series over two Limited Collector’s Edition Blu-ray sets with Part 1 due in November and Part 2 in December. You can find more details on both sets at our web shop HERE.
It’s worth noting that a two-part DVD release of the series will follow as well, however this won’t be until next year at this stage now.
~ For those of you looking forward to our release of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Part 1, unfortunately this has had be pushed back once again, with the new tentative date being 28th November. The reason this has occurred due to a delay in the authoring of the discs. As a result, the date has once again had to be pushed back. We apologise for this but really appreciate your patience on this.
But we are happy to confirm that our release of the series Gundam Reconguista in G will be on 7th November. In case you missed it, here’s what our release of Reconguista in G will look like.

~ As mentioned at the top of the Newswire, the series Gonna Be The Twin-Tail!! is available now as a Blu-ray/DVD combi set. It includes the entire series in both English and Japanese with English subtitles. You can check out the trailer for the series below.
~ Being released as a Blu-ray/DVD combi pack on 31st October is High School DxD BorN, the third series of the franchise. Until close of play today (11th October) we’re having a special offer on this at our web shop. You can get the details on that HERE.
You can watch the trailer for the series below.
~ Staying on the subject of High School DxD, we’ve been getting a lot of questions as to whether a release of the second season might be possible. All we can say at this time is that is is something we’re looking into and if there if/when there are any updates we can share we will do so.
~ Looking ahead, as well as High School DxD BorN on that day, Yurikuma Arashi will also be arriving on 31st October as well. It will be released as a Blu-ray/DVD combo set.
We can also now confirm that Fairy Tail Part 10 (DVD) and Mikagura School Suite (Blu-ray/DVD combi) are both set for release on 28th November.
Following that, Yona of the Dawn Part 2 (Blu-ray/DVD combi) and No-Rin (Blu-ray/DVD combi) are set for 5th December.
And Absolute Duo (Blu-ray/DVD combi) and Fairy Tail Part 11 (DVD) will arrive on 19th December.
We’ll have more info on these to share with you in the coming weeks so please stay tuned!
~ The wait is nearly over as Scotland Loves Anime kicks off this Friday in Glasgow at the Glasgow Film Theatre! A reminder that you can get all the info the festival being in Glasgow this weekend and Edinburgh next week at their website
Late last week the festival revealed through its Twitter and Facebook that the Mystery Film on the Sunday evening would be Makoto Shinkai’s new film, Your Name. If you haven’t booked your tickets yet, you can do so at the Glasgow Film Theatre website HERE.
The lineup this weekend is as follows:
Friday 14th October
Belladonna of Sadness @ 23:00
Saturday 15th October
Momotaro, Sacred Sailors @ 13:40
Production I.G’s “Pigtails” + Q&A session with Director, Yoshimi Itazu @ 16:15
Kizumonagatari Parts 1 & 2 @ 20:20
Sunday 16th October
The Anthem of the Heart @ 12:15pm
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV @ 15:00
Mystery Film (revealed by Scotland Loves Anime to be Makoto Shinkai’s new film ‘Your Name’) @ 17:30
As mentioned, Scotland Loves Anime begins this weekend in Glasgow and we’ll be at both the Glasgow and Edinburgh legs of the festival. After that it’s MCM London Comic Con time and we have a bit more info about that weekender to share with you!
14th-16th October – Scotland Loves Anime @ Glasgow Film Theatre, Glasgow
17th-23rd October – Scotland Loves Anime @ Edinburgh Filmhouse, Edinbugh
28th-30th October – MCM London Comic Con @ Excel London
- Director of Psycho-Pass The Movie, Naoyoshi Shiotani will be coming to MCM London Comic Con as an Anime Guest of Honour to celebrate the UK release of Psycho-Pass The Movie! He’ll be taking part in a special panel and will be have a signing session that weekend. There will be advance copies of Psycho-Pass The Movie available to purchase at our AllTheAnime stand that weekend, so you can get it signed by him if you want!
- AllTheAnime Panels – At this time we can confirm we will be having panels on both the Friday and Sunday of MCM London Comic Con. Times are to be announced.
- We’re going to be having a big blog detailing our activity at the event later this week/early next week. So be on the look for that as that will tell you everything you need to know about our activity at the event!
That’s all for this Newswire. Stay tuned for more news as we can bring it to you!
Signing out~!
October 26, 2016 5:06 pm
When can I order Place promised/voicesof a distant star from the zavvi website?