Tag: Callum May

September 15, 2021 · 0 comments

Shirobako: The Movie

Shirobako: The Movie

By Callum May. Back in the days when Japanese anime creators could hop on a plane to travel the world visiting fans, they were frequently faced with the same question: “How can I join the anime industry?” On the face of it, it’s not strange. After playing Halo 3, I wanted to become a game […]

March 25, 2021 · 0 comments

Adapting Persona5

Adapting Persona5

By Callum May. Adapting video games into anime is a challenge. In fact, when the producer and director of Persona5 the Animation stepped into Los Angeles’ Anime Expo in 2018, they were asked how they overcame that challenge during at least five separate interviews. This is something that was on the anime team’s minds from […]


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