[Unboxing] Kill la Kill Box 2 DVD and Blu-ray
March 17, 2015 · 0 comments
It’s a title we know a lot of you have been patiently waiting for (and believe me when I say we have been too) but today we are delighted to be able to give you a photo tour – all going well we’re intending to make a video version at a later date – of Kill la Kill Box 2 Collector’s Edition. Set for release this Monday (23rd March) on DVD and Blu-ray.
Read on below to see what it looks like and for all the details.
Ahead of release if you want to pre-order you can do so from Amazon UK HERE, our website shop HERE and with other online retailers as well.
We can confirm that on day of release HMV and Forbidden Planet branches across the UK will be stocking both the DVD and Blu-ray versions of Kill la Kill Box 2 Collector’s Edition. Of course you’ll also be able to order it from the likes of Amazon UK and other online retailers as well.
It’s same content included regardless of whether you opt for the DVD or Blu-ray versions. The only cosmetic difference being the colour of the art on the discs themselves.
- Rigid Box
- Digipack housing two discs.
- The two discs contain:
~ Episodes 10-19
~ Language: English, Original Japanese with English subtitles.
~ On-Disc extras: Textless Opening and Ending title sequences, Web Previews. - 212 page book containing art and storyboards.
And now the moment you’ve been waiting for. Here’s a guided tour of what you can expect when opening Kill la Kill Box 2. (The images below reflect the Blu-ray version, but barring appropriate information to DVD and having DVD discs included itself (that are a different colour as well), the contents between both versions are identical.)
NOTE: Possible *spoilers* for Kill la Kill ahead – more specifically in relation to the glimpses at pages from the book we’ve included in the gallery below.
As a reminder, you can find our unboxing of Kill la Kill Box 1 HERE.
We hope you enjoyed this preview of Kill la Kill Box 2. Do let us know if you’ll be buying this – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Signing out~!
kill la kill
Anime Limited Newswire #11 – 17th March 2015 – All the Anime
March 17, 2015 5:31 pm
[…] ~ Speaking of Kill la Kill Box 2, earlier today we posted a photo unboxing of our release. You can see it HERE. […]