All The Anime Music #2 – A Silent Voice vinyl
October 3, 2019 · 0 comments
Following on from the very exciting news of our first vinyl record release, the FLCL Soundtrack, coming in November, we now want to put the focus the next vinyl record we’ll be releasing! The soundtrack to the hit film by Kyoto Animation, A Silent Voice!
We have a special relationship with this film as we were the first English speaking territory to release the film in cinemas, and then on home video! Plus, we commissioned an English language dub to be created for the film. And now we’ll be the first company in the world to make the soundtrack to this film available on vinyl!
Read on below for the details!
(In case you missed it from when we announced the FLCL vinyl,) simply put, it’s our chance to make anime soundtracks available in physical form in the United Kingdom & Ireland (and in some instances, other territories too). After establishing ourselves when it comes to anime films and television series releases on home video, we’re taking our love and passion for that to the next level and putting that into soundtracks that you’ll want to own, keep and listen to, again and again.
Who knows where things could ultimately lead, but if some of our past home video releases are anything to go by you know we’re going to our utmost to bring something you’ll need to have in your collection!
A Silent Voice Soundtrack

Product: A Silent Voice Official Soundtrack
Format: Vinyl record
No. of LPs: 2 x black 180g vinyl
Release date: 25th November 2019
Cat. No.: ANIM0004
Suggested Retail Price: £34.99
Our second release will be the soundtrack of the film, A Silent Voice on vinyl. To make this clear from the outset, we not only hold the license to this in English speaking territories, but in Europe as well!
This will be a 2LP 180g vinyl set. The product itself will have gatefold packaging to keep both LPs inside.
Additionally inside there will be a 16-page booklet that will have some artworks, character information, information on staff who worked on the film, an article written by Andrew Osmond, and an article written by Jonathan Clements.
But that’s not all to note! The first print-run of this vinyl set will be a wonderful blue marbled vinyl! This provides a water-like effect on the record. As water is a very visually engaging and important part of the film, we wanted to make sure we could capture that in some way. This gives the vinyl a wonderful unique look that really adds to the overall presentation of the set and captures that essence perfectly, in our opinion. (See image below) It’s worth noting about the marbled vinyl that due to the process of creating this wonderfully unique look, each vinyl individual vinyl produced will look slightly different. So the image you see below is very much for reference of how they’ll look as the will be some variance.
The track listing for this release is as follows –
(A quick additional note that while it might look like there are typos, what is written below is the actual track list.)

01. tre
02. inv ( I.i)
03. roh
04. Ivs
05. inv (I.ii)
06. rev
07. inv (I.iii)
08. Ivs (var)
09. thn
10. lit
11. bnw
01. htb
02. bll
03. acc
04. int
05. flw
06. mon
07. maw
08. inv (II.i)
09. van
10. inv (II.ii)
11. inv (II.iii)
12. sig
01. aft
02. inv (II.iv)
03. flt
04. prc
05. pst
06. inv (II.v)
07. btf
08. van (var)
01. sus
02. frc
03. inv (
04. qut
05. svg
06. slt
07. Invention No. 1
08. C dur (LastPart)
09. lit (var)
The release date for our second vinyl record release will be 9th December 2019 with a Suggested Retail Price (SRP) of £34.99. Pre-orders for this launching on Friday 4th October – so tomorrow!
For those in the UK & Ireland you can order this through our AllTheAnime online store using the link below starting Friday 4th October 2019 at 5pm
~ Special Offer ~
From 5pm Friday 4th – Thursday 10th October 2019 you can pre-order this from our online shop for £29.99!
View listing at All The Anime Shop
For those of your reading this in North America, will be taking orders for this also from Friday 4th October
*NOTE: RightStufAnime link above has been updated.
For those in France, you can can order from our French label online shop,
Order at All The Anime France Shop
This section is designed to (hopefully) answer some questions you may have that weren’t covered from the information above.
— Do you have the rights to the A Silent Voice anime?
Yes! And we’ve released the film on Blu-ray and DVD! You can order that now HERE.
— Will you release the A Silent Voice soundtrack on any format/platform?
Short answer, Yes!
But as things stand we can only confirm the release date for the vinyl record release. We intend to make this available on CD as well in the future, however there are no other details to share on that at this time.
— For UK customers, will this be available to order anywhere else?
As things stand this will be available to order exclusively through our online shop.
— I live in North America, when and where can I order this?
For customers in North America, you’ll be able to order this exclusively from Pre-orders will launch on their site on Friday 4th October.
— Will I be available to order from anywhere else if I’m in North America?
It’s available to order exclusively through only.
— I live in mainland Europe, where do I order this from?
Through our UK online shop
— I live in France, where do I order from?
Though out French label shop,
— Is this a limited edition product like your other collector’s editions?
The blue marble finish/effect version of this vinyl soundtrack (pictured above earlier in this post) will be exclusive to the first-print run only. There will be an additional print run of this product, however it won’t have the marble finished/effect vinyl and will be a regular black vinyl instead.
— Can you talk about where the master tapes for the music being used in your release have come from?
The masters used for this vinyl record were supplied by our partners in Japan, who we have worked very closely with to ensure the best quality possible for this release.
— I appreciate you could just respond with “as large as a 12″ vinyl“, but can you share the exact dimensions of the packaging the LPs will be held in?
Sure thing! The gatefold if 313mm x 313mm square with an 8mm spine. With the gatefold opened, it works out at 634mm wide.
— Can you confirm the size of the booklet?
Yes! It’ll be slightly smaller than the packaging itself, so it’ll fit inside without being folded. It’s 300mm x 300mm.
— What’s the required playback speed of this record?
— Are there more vinyl releases in the works?
Yes! As we mentioned in the FLCL announcement, we do have more in the pipeline but we can’t talk about them just yet. But rest assured, there’ll be some news coming soon, so stay tuned!
— Many moons ago I received a discount code for the online shop to be used on a purchase of a vinyl record. Is that still valid?
Providing you’ve not used it on any other product, yes! (A quick note that this discount code is only applicable to those who placed an order for one of our Christmas 2017 Mystery Boxes – yes it was that long ago, I wasn’t joking when I said it was a couple of years ago we first announced plans for vinyl record releases. Any order using the discount code will be validated.)
— I have a question that’s not covered in the above information. What’s the best way to contact you to ask it?
Feel free to reach out to us on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) or you can email us at
That’s everything you need to know about our A Silent Voice soundtrack release on vinyl! Don’t forget that pre-orders launch tomorrow, Friday 4th October. We hope you’re as excited to own this as we are to bring it to you!
Signing out~!
©Yoshitoki Oima, KODANSHA/A SILENT VOICE The Movie Production Committee. All Rights Reserved. Based on the manga “A SILENT VOICE” by Yoshitoki Oima originally serialized in the weekly SHONEN MAGAZINE published by KODANSHA Ltd.
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