Upcoming Releases Preview, 19/02/2019
February 19, 2019 · 8 comments
Following the news late last week that we’re bringing the first season of Castelvania to home video, it’s finally time to spill the beans on more of what you can expect from us over the coming months!
I do want to emphasise from the outset that we can’t say everything that’s in the works, and we can’t give any release dates at this point and in most cases fully confirm contents. (We’d rather play it safe and confirm dates and details once they’re 100% locked in.) But you should know we have a large number of titles we’ve been hard at work preparing behind the scenes – including some that we know many of you have been patiently waiting for updates on.
This is blog post is very much intended to give you visibility on a lot of what’s in the pipeline. So with that in mind, let’s turn our attention specifically to what you can expect in the second quarter of this year from us.
It’s going to be a long read, so sit back and get comfy.
Well first of all, I’ve mentioned it once already but in case you missed the announcement or simply haven’t read it yet, Castlevania: Season 1 is coming to Blu-ray in the form of a Ltd Collector’s Edition release!
You can read initial details about this HERE.
So to kick things off let’s talk about B: The Beginning! We’ll be releasing the first series of this show during the second quarter of the year in the form of a Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition set.
We’ll be the first English speaking territory to release the series on home video, and the the Blu-ray version will be getting our traditional style Collector’s Edition treatment (which we’ll be able to show you as soon as everything has been signed off). As well as the entire 12 episode season (with both English audio and original Japanese with English subtitles viewing options,) it’s going to come with a book packed full of detailed information about the show that makes a tremendous companion to the series itself.
We’ll be able to elaborate on this more once everything is fully signed off, but we wanted to make sure we gave you a teaser for that!
If you’re not familiar with the series you can watch a preview for it below.

Following on from that we come to a title that we have admittedly been quiet about for a very long time now (sorry!) but it’s now finally time to talk about the popular series Silver Spoon, from Hiromu Arakawa (creator of Fullmetal Alchemist.)
First of all, a quick refresher for for folks that we will be the first English speaking territory to release this on Blu-ray! As things stand the first season will be coming during the second quarter of 2019. Season 2 will follow later in the year.
The series doesn’t have an English dub, so it will be in Japanese with English subtitles only. Both seasons will be getting their own Ltd Collector’s Edition Blu-ray sets too! And for those wondering this series will only be released on Blu-ray.
We’ll have more details to share with you soon, including contents and release dates, so please keep an eye out for more details as we can bring them! But you won’t have to wait much longer to own this wonderful series on Blu-ray.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is a big favourite at All The Anime HQ and us being the first territory to bring the the first of the three 10th Anniversary celebration films late last year was a real treat! Since then we know that many of you have been wanting to know when you’ll be able to get your hands on the second and third films.
Well, after some unexpected delays, we can now confirm that Movie 2: Transgression and Movie 3: Glorification will both be arriving during the second quarter of 2019, each being released respectively as Blu-ray Ltd. Collector’s Edition sets. As things stand the plan is to release both under a month or so apart from each other.
We’ll have more details on the contents of these very soon, but what we will say (pending approvals and such) is it’s probably fair to assume they’ll both follow in similar style to our release of Movie 1 (which if you haven’t got it already can be purchased right now exclusively from Zavvi.com and our AllTheAnime.com online shop.)

Back in October we announced would be bringing the series Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online to Blu-ray and today we can confirm that Part 1 of the series will be arriving during the second quarter of the year as a Blu-ray Collector’s Edition set. The series is being released over two parts total with Part 1 including episodes 1-6 with English and original Japanese with English subtitles viewing options.
Though still pending approval, which is why we can’t show you any visuals yet, we’re hoping this Blu-ray Collector’s Edition set also include an art booklet containing character art and information on the arms (aka guns/weapons) used in the show as well as some art cards. Plus for those of you wondering, we’re also hoping to include the episode 5.5 recap episode too.
We’ll have confirmation on the exact contents for this release for you soon, but we hope that gives you some indication on what we have planned.

Maquia: When the Promised Flower Booms is a film that many of you have been patiently waiting for news on. There have been a few changes during the production process that have resulted in this needing to be pushed back (sorry!) but we’re now happy to confirm the Blu-ray/DVD Collector’s Edition as well as standard Blu-ray and DVD versions will all be arriving during the second quarter. (Exact date to be confirmed as soon as possible.)
For those of you curious, we are authoring our own Blu-ray and DVD discs of Maquia and this is also a product we are creating in collaboration with our French label too.
Though we can’t still show you what it will look like at the moment – as we’re still finalising a few things, pending approvals – the Collector’s Edition version will include…
- The feature film on Blu-ray and DVD in English and Japanese with English subtitles. (On Disc extras being a “Making of…” featurette and trailers.)
- It’ll come pack in a rigid case case with a digipack inside to store the two discs (1 x Blu-ray + 1 x DVD)
- Also inside rigid case will be
- 88-page Book containing the following:
– Character information
– Comments from Japanese cast
– Interview with original Character Designer, Akihiko Yoshida
– Interview with Character Design/Chief Animation Director, Yuriko Ishii
– Interview with Tomoaki Okada (Art Setting) & Kazuo Higashii (Art Director)
– Interview with Kazuhiro Wakabayashi (Sound Director) & Kenji Kawai (Music)
– Interview with Writer/Director, Mari Okada and Producer, Kenji Horikawa - A3 Poster
- Art Cards
- 88-page Book containing the following:
We know it’s been a long wait for this, and we really appreciate you patience with this too.

Tokyo Ghoul: re, the latest series in the hit Tokyo Ghoul franchise certainly turned some heads when it broadcasting for where the story take the viewer too. Focusing on a group of CCG affiliates known as The Q’s (pronounced Quinx).
The first part of the series (episodes 1-12) will be coming to Blu-ray and DVD during the second quarter. It’ll be released on Collector’s Edition Blu-ray and standard DVD.
More details on exact contents to follow soon!
The Oscar nominated Mirai warmed the hearts of so many of you back in November when we brought it to cinemas across the UK & Ireland. We’ve heard from so many of you wondering when you might hear of news on a home video release of it. We’re happy to say this will also be arriving during the second quarter of the year!
While exact contents at this time are still being finalised, we can confirm that there will be a Blu-ray/DVD Collector’s Edition version, as well as standard Blu-ray and DVD versions available the same day.
Stay tuned for more info!
Twin Star Exorcists is a series that many of you have been asking for details on when you can expect more of it to be available. We’re happy to report that the remaining three parts of the series will be coming starting during the second quarter of 2019. The plan being that over the course of three months you’ll be able to add the subsequent volume to your collection.
You may recall that the Blu-ray of Part 1 came with the box to store all four volumes of the series. We’re hoping (pending approvals) we might be able to include little extra something in each remaining Blu-ray volume. We know it’s been a long wait for these, so it’ll be a nice little extra to help make good that. So stay tuned for more info that as soon as we can bring it to you.

We’ve talked about a few films you’ll be able to add to your collection soon, but if you’ve some a craving for something of a more classic feel that perhaps Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade is one that you’d be interested.
Set to be available for the first time in the United Kingdom on Blu-ray, this film from Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, AKIRA) is sure to be one to add to your collection. More so as we’ll be giving our Collector’s Edition treatment as well!
It’ll be a Blu-ray/DVD Collector’s Edition set that (pending approval and such) we’re hoping will follow our traditional style Collector’s Edition releases. All going well we should be able to elaborate with more details soon.
Be on the lookout for more details coming soon.

Another title that we first announced back in October last year will have it’s first part arriving during the second quarter of the year, that being Welcome to the Ballroom. The series directed by Yoshimi Itazu (Pigtails).
Part 1 will be coming as a Ltd Collector’s Edition Blu-ray set during the second quarter of the year. (Pending approvals) it’ll come packed in a rigid case with a digipack to hold the two Blu-ray discs. There will also be some additional physical items inside including an art booklet.
Worth noting no English dub for this series was created, so it will be in Japanese with English subtitles only.
And finally a quick mention that also on the docket is a series we’ve not mentioned in a very long time now that was created by Naotaka Hayashi, who was heavily involved in the creation of DARLING in the FRANXX, that being Plastic Memories.
Plus there’ll be an update on the highly anticipated Re:Zero coming very soon as well! All going well you can likely expect some details about this soon, but there’s just a few things to we need to finalise and sign off on before we can spill the beans on this.
Also, we completely understand there’s been no news on the Ultimate Edition of Perfect Blue recently. Have no fear, it’s not been forgotten about. It’s simply case that it’s a delicate project and we want to make sure the next time we mention in detail, it’s full confirmation on what you can expect. All going well you can expect details on this soon.
Expect to see updates on these as soon as we can bring them to you.
We hope this helps give you an idea of what to expect from us. Like we say, expect confirmation on the details of all the above titles as soon as possible.
Signing out~!
b: the beginning, Castlevania, CODE GEASS: LELOUCH OF THE REBELLION, Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade, Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms, mirai, Perfect Blue, plastic memories, re:zero, Silver Spoon, Sword Art Online, Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, Tokyo Ghoul:re, Twin Star Exorcists, Welcome to the Ballroom
February 19, 2019 8:00 pm
Cool! Some top titles on the checklist up there. One question: can you give any word on what we can expect in terms of Gundam releases for this year?
Jonathan McCabe
February 19, 2019 10:37 pm
Is there still an exclusive script booklet coming with the Maquia preorders?
March 4, 2019 4:16 pm
Hi, in short, yes! But that offer with the additional exclusive booklet specifically only applies to pre-orders placed at AllTheAnime.com during our December 2018 pre-order promotion. ^JG
Marco Morelissen
February 19, 2019 10:52 pm
God even SWORD ART ONLINE ALTERNATIVE:GUN GALE ONLINE is being released in 2 parts. You got to love Aniplex for that... I hope this means that you going to replace Re Zero part 1 discs and gonna use for Part 1 and part 2 the new materials Funimation got his hands on to. But a tip next time guys if something like that happens again dont sell us "its not a breaking issue crap". Anime cost a lot of money to buy so we deserve a top quality. You guys are my number 1 source for buying anime and i love you guys but that was something i really disliked.
February 21, 2019 5:43 pm
Jin-Roh: The Wolf-Brigade will be awesome in HD, so I cannot wait to see what you do with it. Any news on CYBER CITY OEDO 808 that you teased-us with before Christmas 2018? I had hoped there’d be some tiny update on it, or at least a confirmation on whether you’ll be including the much-desired British English dub. Any ideas, please?
February 21, 2019 6:00 pm
Still no news on any vinyl releases?
Michael French
February 24, 2019 8:55 pm
I was really hoping for some news on Cinema Releases. There's been a bit of dry spell there!
Kyle O'Leary
February 26, 2019 6:05 pm
I Hope that when you release Re:Zero part 2 you'll include replacement discs for part 1, for those of us who purchased part 1