Wings Of Honneamise – HD Remaster vs. Older Footage
April 3, 2015 · 3 comments
We’re very excited for our release of the classic film, Wings of Honneamise this month beginning with the DVD version this Monday (6th April) and the Collector’s Blu-ray/DVD combi version following on 27th April. The Collector’s Edition version comes packed in a rigid box with a digipack to hold the discs and a booklet about the film itself.

You can pre-order your copy today from Amazon UK HERE and through our web shop HERE.
We wanted to take a moment to highlight differences between older footage and the remastered footage that’s been utilised on our release. Check out the images below to see how great this remaster looks. (We’ve aimed to get this as close as frame to frame as possible, but there will be slight differences in some cases.)
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

(And finally) Example 5

We hope this has provided a nice taster of what you can expect from the HD remastered version of Wings of Honneamise. Do let us know what you think of the comparisons we have shown above.
Signing out~!
Wings Of Honneamise
Trevor W Gratton
April 5, 2015 3:55 pm
Although some of the differences look subtle, how they'll look in motion is another matter. Some of the colours in the remaster look very pure now, 'warmer' and more vivid, where they need to be. I do have an old R1 release, so it'll be interesting to compare the two, but I for one have been hoping for an official UK release of this film for years and I'm ecstatic that it's finally here, although I'll personally be holding out for the collector's edition. I hope this also marks the beginning of a trend for more 'classic' anime releases, especially amazing films such as this that we've missed out on in the past.
Anime Limited Newswire #14 – 8th April 2015 – All the Anime
April 8, 2015 3:18 pm
[…] ~ Speaking of Wings of Honneamise we posted a comparison of older footage of the film compared to this HD Remaster we’re bringing to the UK. You can find this comparison HERE. […]
S. Leonard
April 10, 2015 9:38 pm
Is the DVD version also remastered or just the blu-ray from the collectors set?
April 10, 2015 9:49 pm
Hi, yes the DVD version is remastered as well. (The images we posted are taken from the Blu-ray version specifically, but the our DVD version was created using the same film assets. I hope this helps.) ^JG