Navigating this Blog
April 30, 2024 · 0 comments

Although only the most recent three weeks of posts are visible on this blog’s front page, you can navigate through the previous nine years of articles using the tags. Click on these links to find our world-class obituaries and book reviews, or coverage of Japan and China. You can read the Hugo award-winning Jeannette Ng on Japanese popular culture, the Harvey award-winning Helen McCarthy on anime and live events, Jeremy Clarke, Tom Wilmot and Jasper Sharp on Japanese live-action film, and Tom Smith on Japanese music.
The writers for the All the Anime blog have included authors like Andrew Osmond, academics like Zoe Crombie, and punditry from the likes of Hugh David, Andy Hanley, Shelley Pallis and Meghan Ellis. Motoko Tamamuro has poked around the world of untranslated Japanese books and Chris Perkins has rounded up the years in streaming.
Thanks to them, and to the many guest contributors who have enriched this blog over the last nine years, to the tune of over a thousand articles, and thanks to Anime Limited for supporting it for so long.
Jonathan Clements (Features Editor, 2015-2024)
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