Tag: Perfect Blue

February 2, 2021 · 0 comments

The Dark Side of Time Travel

The Dark Side of Time Travel

By Andrew Osmond. Anime Limited is releasing new editions of two landmark anime series, Erased (carrying the full 12-part anime) and Re: Zero (carrying the complete first season). They’re different in many ways, but they both deal with time: time manipulation, time loops, time travel. But not fun time travel. These anime are about heavy […]

April 2, 2020 · 1 comment

Easter Sale | General update from Anime Ltd

Easter Sale | General update from Anime Ltd

We know it can be (surprisingly) pretty tricky to keep track of what day it is right now, but believe it not we’re not that far away at all from it being Easter! So with that in mind we’ve got some exciting news to share with you about the next week or so as we […]

February 12, 2020 · 1 comment

Millennium Actress

Millennium Actress

By Jasper Sharp. Satoshi Kon’s Millennium Actress uses its heroine to explore themes of subjectivity and spectatorship, with a topic that might at first seem better suited to live action. In all those elements, it bears some similarities with his debut feature Perfect Blue (1997), which pitched the viewer into the fragmenting worldview of a retired […]

April 27, 2019 · 0 comments

Kon on Perfect Blue

Kon on Perfect Blue

By Andrew Osmond. “Perfect Blue is a very twisted film. Please keep in mind that (this) will be my personal interpretation and it is not necessarily the right way to interpret the film.” So begins the video talk by director Satoshi Kon included on the Perfect Blue Ultimate Edition. Recorded around 2007, the video shows […]

March 25, 2019 · 0 comments

Perfect Blue: Deleted Scenes

Perfect Blue: Deleted Scenes

By Andrew Osmond. Anime Limited is releasing Satoshi Kon’s classic Perfect Blue in a new “Ultimate” edition, with fresh revelations about the film’s genesis. Spoiler warning: this article assumes familiarity with the film; for an introduction to Perfect Blue, see here.


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