Tag: reviews
October 25, 2015 · 0 comments
Anime: A Critical Introduction
By Jonathan Clements. Rayna Denison chooses her title with robust caution: her new book, Anime: A Critical Introduction, is an introduction for and occasionally about critics, examining the arguments and materials with which readers can approach Japanese animation. Her new book is part of Bloomsbury’s “Film Genres” series, although she swiftly establishes cast-iron criteria for […]
October 22, 2015 · 0 comments
Review: The Art of Satoshi Kon
by Chris Perkins. 24th August 2010 was a dark day for anime, and indeed for fans of quality cinema in general. On that day Satoshi Kon, one of the brightest lights in the animation scene, passed away at the tragically young age of 46. He left behind a small but perfectly formed filmography comprising just […]
May 24, 2015 · 0 comments
Hanzi Hero
Anthony Thomas on an educational app with a difference The Chinese language is notoriously difficult to learn. A colleague of the man behind A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, one of the first important works of its kind, noted that learning Chinese required “bodies of brass” and “heads of oak”. Yet, he managed to grasp […]
April 28, 2015 · 0 comments
Hakuoki: Game Review
By Meghan Ellis. There are two things that jump out at you when you first play Hakuoki, whether you’re familiar with the visual novel genre or not; firstly, that it’s been made by people who obviously really love what they’re doing, and secondly that this game is going to school players in 19th century Japanese […]
April 22, 2015 · 0 comments
Review: The Anime Encyclopedia
By Raz Greenberg When the first edition of Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy’s The Anime Encyclopedia came out in 2001 there was nothing like it, literally. The closest thing to a comprehensive source of information about the thousands of anime titles out there was the listings in the Internet Movie Database, which largely contained basic […]