[UNBOXING] Your Name Deluxe Ed.
November 15, 2017 · 6 comments
The time has arrived! Following our release of the standard Blu-ray, standard DVD and Ltd Collector’s Edition Steelbook versions just over a week ago we’re delighted to bring you a full unboxing of the Zavvi.com and AllTheAnime.com Exclusive Deluxe version of Your Name!
You can order your copy of the Deluxe Version from both sites right now! And we can also confirm that both sites have the product in stock and are shipping orders!
Order at Zavvi Order at AllTheAnime
Have a read on below for full details!
The global smash hit film from Makoto Shinkai (The Garden of Words, The Place Promised in our Early Days)
Synopsis: “Mitsuha and Taki are total strangers living completely different lives. But when Mitsuha makes a wish to leave her mountain town for the bustling city of Tokyo, they become connected in a bizarre way. She dreams she is a boy living in Tokyo while Taki dreams he is a girl from a rural town he’s never visited.
What does their newfound connection mean? And how will it bring them together? Find out in the latest film from the acclaimed auteur Makoto Shinkai.”
If you’ve not seen it before, you watch a trailer for the film below –
— What does it include?
You will get the following –
- The film, Your Name, on both Blu-ray and DVD. (contents on the discs being identical to other versions we’re releasing – SEE HERE for details.)
- The Japanese soundtrack CD by RADWIMPS
- A 128 page Art Book
- 10 Art Cards, one of these being uniquely numbered that will act as a certificate of authenticity
- A folded A3 poster
- And finally a replica of Mitsuha’s iconic bracelet from the film
Height wise, this is the same as Collector’s Edition style products of ours, so it will look nice and uniform on your shelf next to other releases in your collection. The release itself comes packed in a rigid case that will store all the contents noted above, including a digipack to hold the three discs (Blu-ray + DVD + CD).
— What’s in the Art Book
The contents of the 128-page art book are translated into English from the original Japanese release. Included in this book is the following –
- Cast and Music Interviews: these interviews with the Japanese voice cast RADWIMPS, the band who provided the soundtrack to the film.
- Cross Talk: Japanese staff talk and roundtable discussion
- Illustrations: Key visuals and a collection of illustrations for magazines and merchandise
- Pre-Production Materials: The original proposal by director Makoto Shinkai; Your Name. started from here
- Q&A with director Makoto Shinkai: this is massive, if we do say so ourselves. The amount of topics covered is pretty staggering! Well worth your time reading.
— Langage options on discs
- Japanese language (with English subtitles) with the Japanese version of the soundtrack by RADWIMPS
- English language with the English version of the soundtrack by RADWIMPS (NOTE: this version was not previously screened in UK cinemas)
- English language with the Japanese version of the soundtrack by RADWIMPS
— What’s the track listing on the Japanese soundtrack CD?
It as the following tracks –
- Dream Lantern
- School Road
- Itomori Highschool
- First View of Tokyo
- Café at Last
- Theme of Ms. Okudera
- Unusual Changes of Two
- Zenzenzense (Movie Version)
- Goshintai
- Date
- Autumn Festival
- Evoking Memories
- Visit to Hida
- Disappeared Town
- Library
- The Night Inn
- Again to Goshintai
- Kuchikamizake Trip
- Council of War
- Persuading Mayor
- Theme of Mitsuha
- Unseen Two
- Kawawaredoki
- Sparkle (Movie Version)
- Date 2
- Nandemonaiya (Movie Edit)
- Nandemonaiya (Movie Version)
And now the moment you’ve been waiting for. Have a gander these photos taking you on a tour of our release! You can click on them to enlarge them too!
POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING: A warning now that some of these photo may contains spoilers from the film. Particularly relating to the art book. You have been warned!
And that everyone, concludes this mammoth unboxing of our Deluxe Edition release of Your Name. Available exclusively through Zavvi.com and AllTheAnime.com now!
We hope you’re looking forward to adding this to your collection! We can safely say we’re super proud of how this how turned out
Also, be sure to let us know what number you got!
Signing out~!
Albert Andersen
November 15, 2017 5:12 pm
This looks absolutely stunning! I will definitely be getting this, if it's still avaliable that is ;) I already have the "A Silent Voice" collectors edition, and based on that, I can only expect great quality from you guys ^_^
November 15, 2017 5:14 pm
Is the bracelet exclusive to your store or also from the zavii store cause its not mentioned or shown on the zavii store.
November 15, 2017 5:17 pm
Have no fear, it comes with this at both Zavvi and our AllTheAnime shop! It's literally sealed in under the cellophane, so there's no way it can't be included :) ^JG
November 15, 2017 8:38 pm
Mine arrived Monday and I love it! #34/2000 Now to sit patiently and wait for something similar for Re:Zero *subtle hint* ;)
November 15, 2017 9:09 pm
Love iT i got nummer 1795 Only one Tine. Wood get. love 2 see no digipack bit a steelboek
November 15, 2017 10:13 pm
Absolutely gorgeous edition. This is gonna look amazing alongside my steelbook edition of the film.