Anime Ltd acquires “Tokyo Ghoul: re”
April 2, 2018 · 4 comments
Tokyo Ghoul is a franchise we have a close affinity to here at Anime Ltd. We brought the first two seasons of the anime to the UK, screened the live-action movie in cinemas and we were the first English speaking territory to release the two OVA episodes “Jack” & “Pinto” on Blu-ray and DVD.
We’re delighted to confirm that we have acquired Tokyo Ghoul: re, the upcoming third season of the Tokyo Ghoul franchise! We can confirm for you that you will be able to watch the series via a simulcast via our friends at Crunchyroll – details to be announced soon – and down the line we’ll also be bringing this to home video as well. (Though it’s worth noting there won’t be any other news regarding home video until likely mid-2019 at the earliest.)
Read on below for details on the series.

Synopsis (for the manga of Tokyo Ghoul:re volume 1)
Haise Sasaki has been tasked with teaching Qs Squad (note from Anime Ltd: Qs is read as “Quinx”) how to be outstanding investigators, but his assignment is complicated by the troublesome personalities of his students and his own uncertain grasp of his Ghoul powers. Can he pull them together as a team, or will Qs Squad first assignment be their last?
You can watch a subtitled trailer for the series below, released by our friends AnimeLab in Australia:
Fans in UK & Ireland can watch the series at
Don’t forget that we’ve released the first two seasons and “Jack” & “Pinto” OVAs of Tokyo Ghoul on Blu-ray and DVD! So now is the perfect time to do a catchup and be primed for the upcoming season!
We hope you’re excited for Tokyo Ghoul: re!
Signing out~!
Luke Burling
April 3, 2018 3:38 pm
How long should we expect to wait now that the episode has aired? May I also say you guys really made my day when you announced this, so thank you so much
April 6, 2018 11:27 am
Hi, glad you're excited for this! You can find the show page at Crunchyroll here: :) ^JG
April 3, 2018 7:02 pm
When the episode will be released? It's still not available on Crunchyroll.
April 6, 2018 11:26 am
Hi, you can find the show page at Crunchyroll here: :) ^JG