Podcast #15 – 1st July 2016

July 1, 2016 · 0 comments

Panda_Cover_Art_ 500x500Anime Limited Podcast #15 – 1st July 2016 “It’s been a while…”

So… it’s been a while hasn’t it? It’s been quite a while since our last podcast but to keep you going until we kick the summer off properly with new Podcast audio – be on the lookout for that in the coming weeks. I (Jeremy) explain this at the start of the show, but what you have here are extracts from our two panels at MCM London Comic Con back in May. You get sections from the panel on Friday where we reveal and go into detail about our Fullmetal Alchemist Ultimate Edition Blu-ray set, plus one or two questions from the Q&S portion of that panel, and then you get the complete Sunday panel which was very much a live edition of the Podcast featuring Jeremy, Andrew, Kat and Keith.

All manner of topics were discussed during this panel, so sit back, relax and enjoy the the ride. But do keep in mind the audio you’re about to hear was originally recorded back in May, so a few details mentioned might have changed since then.

As we mentioned, the podcast will be coming back proper (and all going well more regularly) very soon, so be on the look out for that.

(To download the podcast as an mp3, click on the arrow pointing down in the top right corner of the player above.)

Download and subscribe to the podcast through iTunes UK HERE.
Find our Souncloud page here: HERE.

There is also a Soundcloud app available on both iTunes and Google Play, so you download and listen to our podcast through there as well.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Signing out~!


Past Podcasts episodes:

Episode #1 | Episode #2 | Episode #3 | Episode #4 | Podcast #5 | Podcast #6 | Podcast #7 | Podcast #8 | Podcast #9 |Episode #10 | Episode #11 | Podcast #12 | Episode #13 | Podcast #14


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