Podcast #21 – 24th Dec. 2016
December 24, 2016 · 0 comments
Anime Limited Podcast #21 – 24th December 2016 – The End of Year Xmas Special~!
Featuring a variety of topics covered including how this year has been for us (Anime Limited) overall, from various titles we’ve releases to events we’ve been to, and we also get away from anime based talk and touch on things away from anime we’ve like in 2016 such as films, books and music!
*HEADS UP* There is some very brief talk on the new Rogue One Star Wars film . There is what could constitute a minor spoiler depending on if you have seen the most recent trailers or not. So we’re giving a SPOILER WARNING for 10 seconds between 26:26 – 26:36 of the Podcast.
Then, following the success of the 2015 Xmas Special Pub Quiz between the various Anime Limited team members, Jeremy surprises both Keith and Andrew by bringing it back with a ‘back of the box’ based twist!
It’s a fun show as always and up for your listening pleasure now!
As always please note this podcast contains strong language and any views expressed by individuals in this podcast do not reflect those of Anime Limited.
(To download the podcast as an mp3, click on the arrow pointing down in the top right corner of the player above.)
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We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Signing out~!
Past Podcasts episodes:
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