Podcast #23 – 10th June 2017
June 10, 2017 · 0 comments
All The Anime Podcast #23 – Season 2, episode #1: “There’s a lot of ‘Richards’ in this podcast”
[Recorded on 9th June 2017]
Welcome to the first episode of season 2 of the AllTheAnime Podcast! … Yeah, it’s been a while hasn’t it. Sorry about that, but we’re back now and have a big podcast for what we’ve decided will be the first episode of our second season.
On this show join Jeremy, Andrew, Kerry, Kat, Keith and the latest edition to the Anime Limited team, Jessica, as they discuss all sorts of topics both related to anime and not! We introduce Jessica to you all, we talk about things we’ve been watching, playing and reading recently. This may includes such things as Overwatch, Scum’s Wish and American Gods. We talk about anime we’re bringing to the big screen through the remainder of the year – including some clarification about the upcoming Your Name IMAX screenings being subtitle only, upcoming home video releases and of course we delve into your questions!
We cover where things stand with certain upcoming home video releases certain titles like Your Name, titles we would like to see get a full release if it only ever got a partial release before, politics, and more!
Worth noting that when it comes to questions we try to tackle as many of what we received as we can, but as we received so many what we’re going to do is save more of them for our show next week!
It’s a fun show to kick off the new season – and the majority of the team is totally not powered by alcohol during this. So if you hear lots of ridiculous and in some cases not safe for work banter, it’s totally not the fact it’s end of the week and we’re chilling out having a laugh…
Anyway, enjoy the show!
NOTE: As always please note this podcast contains strong language and any views expressed by individuals in this podcast do not reflect those of Anime Limited.
(To download the podcast as an mp3, click on the arrow pointing down in the top right corner of the player above.)
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Find our Souncloud page here: HERE.
There is also a Soundcloud app available on both iTunes and Google Play, so you download and listen to our podcast through there as well.
We need your help on an idea for the podcast going forward!
This is a mini-spoiler for the end of the show, but as I (Jeremy) said I want all of us (Team Anime Limited) to start watching an anime each week so that we can chat about it on the show. I had a couple of ideas in that it can be a currently airing show where we would watch an episode each week from episode 1, or perhaps a first episode of different anime each week, or we look ahead and plan it to be a show for the forthcoming summer season.
The only thing you have to keep in mind is that any suggestion needs to be available to the U.K. through a legal streaming platform such as Crunchyroll, FunimationNow, Amazon Prime or Netflix. This is so we can watch it.
Would love to hear your feedback on this idea in general as well as any shows you think would be good fun for us to talk about on the show. Please leave your thoughts in the comments below or let us know through our Facebook & Twitter pages.
Show Notes:
Both specifically relating to the question at around the one hour six minute mark of the podcast.
— Here is the picture that I asked Kat to send me, so you could all see what it was
— And HERE is a YouTube link to the opening song to Kerry referenced about being Arabic.
Past Podcasts episodes:
Season 1
Episode #1 | Episode #2 | Episode #3 | Episode #4 | Podcast #5 | Podcast #6 | Podcast #7 | Podcast #8 | Podcast #9 |Episode #10 | Episode #11 | Podcast #12 | Episode #13 | Podcast #14 | Podcast #15 | Podcast #16 | Podcast #17 | Podcast #18 | Podcast #19 | Podcast #20 | Podcast #21 | Podcast #22
Signing out~!
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